Bombay Tools Center Bombay Pvt Ltd

Mazgaon, Mumbai , India

Golden AlBr Non Sparking Sparkless Drum Cap-Seal Crimping Tool, 700mm

Golden AlBr Non Sparking Sparkless Drum Cap-Seal Crimping Tool, 700mm

Material: AlBr Non Sparking

Color: Golden

Dimensions: 700mm

Usage/Application: Crimping Bung Seals

Brand: Sparkless

Diameter: 35x700

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Bombay Tools Center Bombay Pvt Ltd's Contact Details :

Bombay Tools Center Bombay Pvt Ltd

  Plot 22H, 224 Nesbit Compound, Nesbit Road Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010, Mazgaon, Mumbai - 400003, Dist. Mumbai, Maharashtra, Mazgaon, Mumbai - , , India.

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