Busch Vacuum India Pvt Ltd.

Manesar Village, Gurgaon , India

Scroll Vacuum Pumps

Scroll Vacuum Pumps

Ultimate pressure: 0.01 - 0.025 hPa (mbar)
Nominal pumping speed 50 Hz: 15 - 35 m3/h
Nominal pumping speed 60 Hz: 18 - 42 m3/h Hermetically sealed and with completely dry compression, Fossa scroll vacuum pumps are ideal for pumping air or conveying gases without leakage or contact between the pumping medium and the

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Busch Vacuum India Pvt Ltd.'s Contact Details :

Busch Vacuum India Pvt Ltd.

  102-103, Sector 5IMT Manesar, Manesar Village, Gurgaon - 122050, Dist. Gurgaon, Haryana, Manesar Village, Gurgaon - , , India.

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