Vijay Hardwares

Mumbai - 400003, Mumbai , India
  • 38, bibijan street , 1st floor office no.20, off Nagdevi street, masjid (w), Mumbai - 400003, Mumbai - 400006, Dist. Mumbai, Maharashtra, Mumbai - 400003, Mumbai - , , India.
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Hand Operated Oil Pump

Hand Operated Oil Pump

These are Metering Valves where stroke of piston determines the amount of oil to be ejected. The cartridges operate as soon as pressure builds up in lubrication line. When the pump is off and the pressure in the lubrication line drops, Cartridges get recharged. Small time gap is allowed between the subsequent operation of the pump for proper recharging of the Metering Cartridges.

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Vijay Hardwares's Contact Details :

Vijay Hardwares

  38, bibijan street , 1st floor office no.20, off Nagdevi street, masjid (w), Mumbai - 400003, Mumbai - 400006, Dist. Mumbai, Maharashtra, Mumbai - 400003, Mumbai - , , India.

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