- Type - MN 0.12kW-90kW , Frame -63-280M
- Type - MS 0.37kW-315kW, Frame 71-355L
- Motors are also offered in multi speed and non standard outputs / voltages / frequencies. These motors can be used in Zone 2 areas as per IS 5572/ IEC60079-15 : 2005.
Performance chart for Non Sparking Motors:
There are different type Non Sparking Motors Ex N used for a range of different applications. Non Sparking Motors Ex N are commonly used for industrial, commercial, transportation and food procuring sectors. Different varieties of Non Sparking Motors Ex N are used for different applications. So, if you’re searching for Non Sparking Motors Ex N distributors and manufacturers, Pump Valvev B2B Marketplace brings Non Sparking Motors Ex N distributors and manufacturers close to you. Each Non Sparking Motors Ex N listed above goes through quality control to make sure they are ready for sale. If you want to buy high-quality Non Sparking Motors Ex N, use the above list to discover the best distributors and manufacturers relating to Non Sparking Motors Ex N.